Welcome to That’s So Ghostly! This blog will cover far more things than just your average ghostly encounters. Along with ghosts, this blog will include; legends from around the world, creatures/monsters (humans included), paranormal, and supernatural topics. At the end of this post, I’ve included a definitions list of the topics listed above.
I have always been a believer in the supernatural. My earliest experiences with ghostly encounters started when I was five, right after my grandpa passed away. Every night I would feel someone sit down at the foot of my bed. I felt the mattress and blankets move, and it felt as if I wasn’t alone. I would look up to see if maybe my cat had jumped up on the bed, but he was not even in the room.
The thing is, however, is that I was never afraid. The very idea of ghosts, evil spirits, monsters, or an actual house being haunted has never frightened me. I have always been pulled towards the strange and unusual. With this blog, I hope to be able to share my love for these topics, the research I have done while adding my own opinion, and – in some cases – share my own experiences.
Each post written will be published on a monthly basis. The next publishing date for pending blog posts can be found at the end of every piece. If there comes a time where, for whatever reason, I cannot post a topic on time; I’ll post an update with the anticipated publishing date in mind. Updates will be visible on the That’s So Ghostly Blog page and the That’s So Ghostly Facebook page.
Located below the pending date of each future post will be every article/website I have used to obtain the information and help solidify my opinions. Whether I gain the info straight off Google, or if I end up not using it at all, everything I read is automatically added to the sources list. I do my best to stay away from Wikipedia because the information they provided is not reliable.
Comments are welcomed! I would love to hear about your personal experiences, stories, and even your own thoughts on the subject matter. I firmly believe that people can learn and grow off constructive criticism. So, please, do not become rude or hostile to those whose opinions or ways of thinking differ from your own.
With that said, I hope that those who choose to read That’s So Ghostly will enjoy the topics I have written about. This blog is not about trying to turn skeptics into believers. If you choose not to believe, that’s great. If you are a true believer, then that’s great, too. I began writing this blog because I want to share a few of my passions with people; writing, the abnormal, and occasional true stories.
I am so excited to begin posting! Please check back on January 10, 2022, to read That’s So Ghostly’s first official five-part post: Pentagram of Blood. Post #1: Pyramid of the Sun.
Definition List: **All definitions obtained from dictionary.com**
Legend(s)- A nonhistorical or unverifiable story handed down by tradition from earlier times and popularly accepted as historical.
Paranormal- Of or relating to the claimed occurrence of an event or perception without scientific explanation, as psychokinesis, extrasensory perception, or other purportedly supernatural phenomena.
Monsters- (1)A legendary animal combining features of animal and human form or having the forms of various animals in combination. (2)Any animal or human grotesquely deviating from the normal shape, behavior, or character.
Supernatural- Of, relating to, or being above or beyond what is natural; unexplainable by natural law or phenomena; abnormal.
St. John, New Brunswick, Canada. The fifth and final point on the Pentagram of Blood. Up until this point I have explored many different explainations as to why each point has come to be. From supernatural portals being unknowingly left open at the Pyramid of the Sun in Mexico, potential curses gone wrong in God’s Lake, the Bermuda triangle and the Air Ion Theory in Miami, to the San Andreas Fault that runs within miles of Los Angeles. What’s so special about St. John? What makes this different from the others, and how does it connect to the PoB?
In order to have a potentially full understanding of what has happened within St. John’s history, we’ll have to travel back to point one of the PoB. All the way back to the Pyramid of the Sun, and the rituals performed their by the Aztecs.
Aztec Calendar
Fire has always been, and will forever remain, a major fundamental element in the universe. It can give as much as it can take away. This was especially true in regards to the Aztecs and giving “life” to the sun. Every fifty-two years – which marked the complete cycle of the Aztec calendar year – a fire was ceremoniously transferred from temple to temple, then home to home. All other flames were extinguished in preparation for this ceremony known as the Aztec New Fore Ceremony, or Binding of the Years Ceremony, which took place in November. This would ensure the renewal of the sun every fifty-two years, and if this ritual failed it meant the end of the Aztec civilization. I feel as if the quote below from Historian Jacques Soustelle best explains the Aztecs reasonings behind performing this ritual.
“At bottom the ancient Mexicans had no real confidence in the future, their fragile world was perpetually at the mercy of some disaster: there were not only the natural cataclysms and the famines, but more than that, on certain nights the monstrous divinities of the west appeared at the crossroads, and there were the wizards, those dark envoys from a mysterious world, and every fifty-two years there was the great fear that fell upon all the nations of the empire when the sun set on the last day of the ‘century’ and no man could tell whether it would ever rise again (114).”
Turquoise Mask of the Aztec God of Fire, Xiuhtecuhtli aka Turquoise Lord.
The duties of an Aztec priest are centered around maintaining the sacred fire, making sure that it would perpetually burn. Much like the Aztecs other rituals, the fire ceremony also involved a living human sacrifice. The fire would be lit in the chest cavity of the victim. Their heart was cut from their chest while they were still breathing by a high priestess who was dressed as the god of fire, and donned a turquoise mask.
Xiuhtecuhtli, or “Turquoise Lord”, is the Aztec God of Fire, and considered to be the creator of life. The God of Fire is said to have many representations and guises such as a stopped, toothless old man that carries an enormous brazier on his head. He is also represented by the insignia of Xiohcóatl, the serpent of fire that is characterized by a nose of horn decorated with seven stars.
Xiuhcoatl, Serpent of Fire, Aztec statue.
Xiuhtecuhtli’s pillar of fire is said to run through the cosmos from Mictlan (the underworld) to Topan (the heavens). As discussed in the first PoB post, it is believed that the tunnels under the Pyramid of the Sun are a sort of portal to the underworld and possibly the very beginning of the ley lines. Since part of the Fire God’s power reaches into the underworld, it can be easily be assumed that the god’s power could have leaked into those ley lines. Another theory could be be that Xiohcóatl, the serpent of fire, could have found it’s way through a portal and into the ley lines while one of these rituals were being performed.
What if in some way, instead of creating all of the fires that have occurred since the time of the Aztec’s ritual, the power of Xiuhtecuhtli feeds off the fires of the North American continent? Thus keeping the fire god’s power continuously fueled enough to move through the ley lines both ancient and new. A decent example of this would be a fire that took place on June 20, 1877 in St. John, New Brunswick, Canada.
The Great Fire of 1877 in St. John, NB, Canada newspaper clipping
It’s on this day that high winds carried a spark said to have originated from the Kirk and Daniels Mill. As the story goes, the spark found its way through an open door, and landed on a pile of hay causing it to ignite. The hay in question was located on the second floor of the Fair Weather Warehouse. By the time the fire extinguished itself, it had reduced two fifths of the city to ash and rubble. In total eighteen people lost their lives: four were struck by debris, twelve to burns, and two by drowning when they attempted to save their property in boats. Four months later another fire broke out on October 20th. This time, it began in a woodhouse and created its own wind. The flames had consumed blocks of three and four story houses (estimated at about one hundred twenty buildings).
Almost exactly one hundred years later on June 22, 1977, a fire broke out in a detention center. The cells of the detention center were usually meant for overnight usage (mostly for people to sleep off their drunkenness when they become too rowdy). Around the time of the fire there were a number of inmates that were transferred from the St. John County Jail. The cause for this relocation was due to three separate and intentional mattress fires breaking out about a week prior to the detention center fire. It still remains unknown as to who set those fires, or whether it was one or more person(s). The cause of the fire remains unknown, but was said to have started in one of the padded overnight cells on the second floor. It was described as being a flash fire, and the police had trouble trying to open the doors due to the heat jamming the locks/doors. In the end, twenty prisoners lost their lives by smoke inhalation.
Xiuhtecuhtki, Aztec God of Fire, sitting statue.
It seems as if it’s too much of a coincidence that the Great Fire of 1877 and the Detention Center Fire of 1977 happened only within days of being exactly one hundred years apart. Could this be a recurring pattern possibly caused by the fire god’s loose power? Where every one hundred years and change there’s a large fire that breaks out, taking the lives of as many people as possible? It’s pretty imaginable that this could be a pattern started by Xiuhtecuhtli hundreds of years after the god’s flame leaked into the ley lines. I cannot help but wonder what 2077 has in store for St. John, New Brunswick, and theories will only then be proven or disproven.
Supernatural and paranormal happenings occur in all shapes, forms, and various levels. Not every person in this world – or those who live on a point or along its lines – will experience ghostly episodes in their lifetime. Those who do may or may not understand what they just encountered, some may even choose not to believe and explain it away. People die everyday from various causes. Could each of the deaths, killing or otherwise, be seen as a sacrifice to the ley lines and Pentagram of Blood? Thus fueling its power much like the deaths at the Pyramid of the Sun created its potential beginning?
***Stay tuned for Post Number 6: The Basilisk, posted by August 30th, 2022!***
Xiuhtecuhtli- 1.) (“Turquoise Lord”) Aztec God of Fire, also considered to be the creator of life (all life). 2.) Said to be believed to be a representation of the divine creator Ometecuhtli.
Xiohcóatl- Serpent of Fire, the insignia of the god of fire. Characterized by a nose of horn that’s decorated with seven stars.
“Binding of the Years Ceremony”- Every fifty-two years (end of a complete cycle in the Aztec Calendar) fire was ceremoniously transferred from first temple to temple, then home to home in November.
Los Angeles, California Skyline
Los Angeles, California
Point Four
Los Angeles is known as the “City of Angels” due to its Spanish to English translation “The Angels”. It is also widely known for its many deaths and tragedies. Numerous people go to LA to discover themselves and turn their dreams into reality. That doesn’t happen for everyone, though, and seldom do dreams come true in the big city of Los Angeles. What is it, though, that attracts people here? A city where success seems occasionally achieved, and dark events gather over the metropolis like storm clouds. Could it be due to Los Angeles being the fourth point on the Penetragm of Blood, its location to the San Andreas Fault (SAF), or both?
Before we get into the relationship between LA and the SAF, it’s important to explore how Los Angeles connects to Miami, Florida. These two cities can be linked to each other by one simple thing: disasters. A concept that, learned in the prior post, results in the loss of not only personal properties but life as well. Normally in large quantities the further you go into their histories.
Although Miami, Florida has had its fair share of hurricanes, it cannot hold a candle to the number of earthquakes LA has to put up with daily. Earthquakes are ground-based occurrences positioned under the earth’s crust – where the ley lines of the PoB are located. Quakes that take place in a fluid-saturated porous medium can generate electromagnetic (EM) waves. Much like the energy given off by certain paranormal investigating equipment. One of the most notorious earthquakes to have taken place in a suburb situated about twenty miles from downtown LA is the Northridge earthquake on January 17, 1994.
Striking the San Fernando Valley in the early morning region of 4:30 AM on Martin Luther King Jr. Day (a federal holiday in the states), was the only thing keeping the death toll as low as it was. The Northridge earthquake was one of the costliest quakes to happen since the San Fransisco quake of 1906. The quake began along a previously undiscovered blind fault with a shock lasting for around ten to twenty seconds and registered at a 6.7 magnitude. The number of fatalities fell somewhere between sixty to seventy, most occurring in lower-level buildings with wooden frames or lower-level parking garages.
Earthquakes are natural disasters that cannot be tracked like hurricanes or tornadoes. They happen when people least expect it with only the reactions of some pets and wild animals beforehand. One minute life is calm and still, then the next the ground/floor is shaking under your feet. Episodes like these reap havoc on a human’s emotions and energies, so it’s important to keep this in mind for later on in the post.
One of the earliest recorded man-made disasters took place on March 12, 1928, when the St. Francis Dam collapsed. The dam was originally built to benefit Los Angeles as it turned into a megacity and acted as a storage reservoir for the Los Angeles Aqueduct. The St. Francis Dam
St. Francis Dam\ https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSwPH8m1WvrQ_ejax6bs1v9TPKs665KS4ARjw&usqp=CAU
was created by chief engineer William Mulholland of the City of Los Angeles Bureau of Waterworks & Supply. Mulholland was a self-taught engineer who assisted in designing one other previous concrete gravity dam project (named the Mulholland Dam in his honor in 1923-1925). In all actuality, most of his expertise lies within the creation of embankment dams. Even though this was a whole different version of topography, Mulholland still deemed that a gravity dam would be the best structure for the canyon’s terrain.
During the construction of the dam, there was little to no regard for any specific safety investigations. While St. Francis Dam was being constructed, the original height was increased by about twenty feet at two different points in the building process at ten-foot increments. The base of the dam remained at its original measurements throughout construction because it was seen as too costly and time-consuming for the necessary changes to be made. When St. Francis Dam was completed it stood approximately two hundred five feet tall at the main structure and spanned around seven hundred feet at the curvilinear crest. That’s a whole lotta dam.
Without proper final inspection of the dam, all of the stress fractures and leaks went unnoticed. With the height of the dam being unequal to its base, and an increased risk for landslides, it created weakness on the foundation’s left side. Which subsequently caused the top of the dam to shift, thus resulting in the destabilization of the right side. On March 12-13, 1928 at midnight, the St. Francis Dam burst.
LA Times Headline on the St Francis Dam Disaster https://th-thumbnailer.cdn-si-edu.com/NamH1rT0cKUJHg6AFrR0K_7gpso=/fit-in/1600×0/https://tf-cmsv2-smithsonianmag-media.s3.amazonaws.com/filer/66/91/669117f7-ac0e-4cf7-8de6-e671ee6c487d/la-times-front-page-resized.jpg
There were a couple of different results in the total death toll, but it was estimated somewhere between four hundred to six hundred people dead. The disaster area stretched from Santa Clarita to Montalvo which is around fifty-five miles away, then emptied into the Pacific Ocean. Leaving behind a trail of destruction that expanded two miles wide.
***It is also important to note that there was no form of evacuation ordered for the surrounding area – that I could find – while the dam was built or when the leaks were discovered.***
The Elizabeth Lake Tunnel (ELT), another project of Mulholland’s, is five miles long and traversed the San Andreas Fault at a depth of four hundred feet in 1910. The ELT delivers water from Owens Valley to LA. Its alignment is focused on developing a better understanding of fault displacement hazards at the SAF crossing to increase the earthquake resilience of LA’s water supply system. Considering the tunnel comes into direct contact with the fault, it could give way to the hidden power and effects given off from the ley lines that potentially reside within. On the other hand, the tunnel could act as a direct route into the earth and the ley lines that pass through. Maybe this is the path the souls take that are drawn to the line’s energy?
San Andreas Fault Line
The San Andreas Fault is around twenty-eight million years old and dates back to the mid-Cenozoic Era. The SAF is a lateral transform fault between the Pacific Plate and North American Plate located in California. The fault spans around seven to eight hundred miles long and is about ten miles (52,800 feet *I Googled the miles to feet conversion*) deep. While there may be some cities that sit on the fault itself, the SAF doesn’t go through a specific city. It does, however, divide the state of California into two plates mentioned above. The Pacific Plate (Big Sur, LA, San Diego) and the North American Plate (Sierra Nevada, San Francisco, Sacramento).
Could it be possible, though, for tragedies and disasters to imprint themselves onto the rocks of the San Andreas Fault? What if the Stone Tape Theory plays a role in why Los Angeles is the fourth point on the Pentagram of Blood?
If this theory sounds familiar to you, it’s probably because it has been mentioned in various paranormal shows and books. The Stone Tape Theory (STT) is the idea that ghosts and hauntings are analogous to tape recordings. Electrical mental impressions released during emotional or traumatic events can somehow be ‘stored’ in stone and other materials, then ‘replayed’ under certain conditions. In theory, the STT could record every tragic earthquake, murder, or man-made disaster (i.e. St. Francis Dam and Northridge quake).
There are certain types of crystalline rock in the STT that absorb EM energy and reradiate it over extended periods. These types of rock include limestone, quartz, soapstone, marble, sandstone, basalt, and granite. The San Andreas Fault is made up of a sequence of shale, siltstone, sandstone, serpentine, granite, sheared phyllic siltstone, and bearing block-in-matrix rocks that are made up of deformed sequences. Two rocks that the SAF and STT have in common are sandstone and granite.
In the paranormal field, it’s said that a human’s emotions or energies are captured or recorded within the stone of a building. Instead of the stones of a building, what if people’s emotions and energies were captured into the rocks of the earth or the pavement under our feet? Could this be the fuel for the ancient ley lines of the Pentagram of Blood? Could the souls and other negative energies find their way into the fault line, therefore sustaining the PoBs power? Earthquakes, murders, and disasters will keep on happening in LA. Every piece of stone, crystalline rock, brick, and other materials will continue to soak up these events. Making the misfortunes in the City of Los Angeles never-ending.
Stay tuned for the fifth and final point of the Pentagram of Blood: St. John, New Brunswick, Canada
(May 31, 2022)
Earthquakes –A series of vibrations induced in the earth’s crust by the abrupt rupture and rebound of rocks in which elastic strain has been slowly accumulating.
Fault – A planar crack in a rock in which slippage has taken place.
Gravity Dam –A dam resisting the pressure of impounded water through its own weight.
San Andreas Fault – A lateral transform fault between the Pacific Plate and North American Plate; located in California.
Stone Tape Theory – A paranormal hypothesis that was proposed in the 1970s as a potential explanation for ghosts.
Topography – 1.) The arrangement of the natural and artificial physical features of an area. 2.) A detailed description or representation on a map of the natural and artificial features of an area.
Transform Fault – A plate boundary that moves with a horizontal motion.
Traverse – 1.) To pass or move over, along, or through. 2.) To go to and fro, over and along.
Hey everyone! My apologies for not having Post #4 up when promised. A lot of things came up and got in the way last week for me to give Post #4 and you the viewers the attention you all deserve. The new date is now April 30th at the latest. It is coming along far better than my first draft, and I think you all will be very pleased with the result!
As always thank you for reading, and let your curiosity guide you!
-T. Bellinger
1.) Hey everyone! My apologies for not having Post #4 up when promised. A lot of things came up and got in the way last week for me to give Post #4 and you the viewers the attention you all deserve. The new date is now April 30th at the latest. It is coming along far better than
Hey everyone! I have decided to push the publication of Pentagram of Blood’s post #4: Los Angeles to the 23rd of April. I have also updated both That’s So Ghostly’s Facebook and Twitter pages. Keep an eye on their pages (links posted below and in the ‘Contacts’ tab) for any updates and link for Post #4.
Thank you for your time and support!
-T. Bellinger
Hey everybody! I have decided to push the publication of Post #4: Los Angeles back to the 23rd of April. As soon as I have the post ready, I'll let you guys know and put the link up on #thatssoghostly Facebook and Twitter pages. Thanks for reading! #paranormal#Supernatural
Miami, Florida: where the sun, warm weather, sandy beaches, and stories of ‘Florida Man’ seem to be endless and tourists flock to by the thousands each year. Yet underneath all the sunshine and sand lies a plausible history as to why Miami is the third point on the Pentagram of Blood. There’s more to Miami being part of the PoB that doesn’t consist of Fake Profit’s “I AM” being in the middle of the word thus somehow connecting it to God’s Lake in Manitoba, Canada. Miami has a pretty unique supernatural trait that the other points don’t have; it’s also a point on the Bermuda Triangle (BT). I’ll explore more of the connection between the BT and the PoB while taking a deeper look into Miami.
No matter what has taken place in Miami (or the state of Florida) one thing has always remained a consistent occurrence: hurricanes. There’s something about a hurricanes or natural disasters raw power that fills the land, people, and even the paranormal with newfound energies. So what is this energy being emanated not only during the storm, but as it brews in the sky overhead? This sort of energy in question comes from the Air Ion Theory (AIT). The AIT is a theory that describes how the electrical ions in the air may change when a ghost or spirit is present or trying to manifest themselves.
Presently, there are two parts to the Air Ion Theory. The first theory states that if/when a ghost is present, it may have an effect on the ions in the air by disrupting the natural and manmade ion counts in the air. The second theory states that if/when ghosts try to manifest, it needs to take in some of that energy. By drawing either positive or negative ions out of the air, the ghost(s) may be able to manifest themself. Following my own theory on the possibility of souls and blood fueling the PoB, there’s a chance that part of whatever makes up the AIT also gives the ley lines their power.
While the first two theories depend on what seems to be some sort of an even balance between negative and positive ions. The ley lines of the Pentagram of Blood seem to depend on not only the imbalance of the ions, but the continued increase of positive ions that flow around us.
What objects or things around us, in particular, gives off these negative and positive ions? Negative ions (NI) are known for putting off good energy. These ions emanate from things such as the growth of certain plants, the ultraviolet light from the sun, salt lamps, claps of thunder, flashes of lightning, and water that collides with itself (ex: waterfalls and waves).
Positive ions (PI), however, are known to be more harmful to those that are exposed to them. They’re found in strong winds, in the building of a storm, dust, pollen, mold, and humidity. Positive ions are also found within toxic and harmful chemicals, and equipment that contains electromagnetic capabilities such as: cell phones, computers, and other electronic devices. Positive ions have steadily increased over time. Throughout the years there has been a steady increase of PIs in the air now than when our ancestors were alive.
So what if both the PIs and NIs start to clash with one another? What happens when the aftermath of said collision comes into contact with the mainland? The answer to that is what makes Miami one of the most interesting points on the Pentagram of Blood. The Bermuda Triangle.
In an unofficial way you could call Miami the “Double Point City”. The Bermuda Triangle is also known as the Devil’s Triangle which goes hand-in-hand with the satanic darkness of the Pentagram of Blood. The points, in a way, purposely overlap each other in a sort of constant seance where dark and evil forces are consistently being called upon.
One scientific theory surrounding the triangle states that a majority of the Atlantic tropical storms and hurricanes pass through the BT. So what if, on a more paranormal/supernatural level, those storms carry with them more than just pure destructive energy? It’s possible some of the BTs power is carried within the force of the storms themselves, and therefore deposits itself into the earth as soon as it makes landfall.
You would also have to take into consideration the potential power that rolls off the ocean waves that break on Miami’s beaches. Could the ley lines which run through Miami absorb energy from the power emanating out from the Bermuda Triangle? Or visa versa? So many questions, theories, and possibilities surround this controversial topic, and yet none of them have been concretely proven and/or disproven for the past five hundred years.
Nonetheless, there have been other recorded events in history long before Miami obtained its name. What forms of negativity or dark events helped to make Miami a dark enough place for the PoB?
Dating back as early as 1200 CE (only two hundred years before the Aztecs discovered Teotihuacan) the Tequesta Indian tribe first settled and lived near the mouth of the Miami river. When the Europeans began to arrive in Florida around the 1500s, the Tequesta numbers began declining. This was mainly due to enslavement, battles for their settlements, and diseases brought over from other lands. By the 1800s there were very few surviving Tequesta Indians left. Unfortunately, the Tequestas were not the only Native American tribe forced off their land by outside settlers.
During the years 1835-1842 one of the longest battles of Indigenous removal took place; the Second Seminole War. A conflict that took place when the U.S. forced the Seminole Indians to move from a reserve in central Florida, to the Creek Reservation west of the Mississippi River. Needless to say the Seminoles were less than enthused.
On December 28, 1835 The Dade Massacre occurred. Major Francis Dade led more than one hundred soldiers from Fort Brooke (near Tampa) to Fort King (near present day Ocala). According to today’s mapping of the distance between Tampa and Ocala, it would be around or a little over one hundred miles done primarily by horseback and by foot. By the time Dade’s army had arrived, about one hundred eighty Seminoles and their allies ambushed the troops. Killing all but three people. The Dade Massacre thus marked the start of the Second Seminole War. In December of 1837, Colonel Zachary Taylor led a troop of one thousand men against the Seminole encampment at Lake Okeechobee. During this battle the Seminoles suffered heavy losses and eventually were forced to withdraw.
One thing that connects Miami to God’s Lake is they both contain two different Indigenous groups who were poorly treated by outsiders. Then, you have the Bermuda Triangle which has a pretty incomplete historical recording of specific events and people. Much like the recordings of the Pyramid of the Sun’s history. The BT could potentially be as old as the Pyramid of the Sun, and being connected to Miami’s coastline as well as having a possibly large amount of magnetic energy, it could also contain some of the oldest ley lines that make up the Pentagram of Blood’s star shape. However, I am positive that this will not be the last time that the Bermuda Triangle makes an appearance.
Stay tuned for the fourth point of the Pentagram of Blood: Los Angeles, California (April 10, 2022)
Ions:Any atom or group of atoms that bears one or more positive or negative electrical charges
Air Ion Theory: A theory that describes how the electrical ions in the air may change when a ghost or spirit is present
Tropical Storm:A localized, very intense low-pressure wind system, forming over tropical oceans and with winds of hurricane force.
Hurricane:A tropical cyclone of the Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, Gulf of Mexico, or eastern Pacific Ocean, having sustained wind speeds of at least 64 knots (74 miles per hour, 33 meters per second): hurricanes form in waters with surface temperatures of about 80°F (27°C), intensifying as temperatures rise
Air View of God’s Lake Narrows. https://media.winnipegfreepress.com/images/2000*1453/170929_gods_lake_157.jpg
Curses. Probably the only thing or idea that’s older than the Teotihuacan or the Pyramid of the Sun. A curse is a Solemn utterance intended to invoke a supernatural power to inflict harm or punishment on someone or something. Much like the idea of the paranormal and supernatural, curses are another controversial topic that separates believers from non-believers.
Things like witchcraft/Brujeria that could involve black magic, satanic rituals, and other dark practices retain the ability to place curses on the unknowing/unwilling. However, those aren’t the only ways curses are placed on people, persons, or entire lands. Not all curses originate from dark and/or satanic rituals. Perhaps the Teotihuacan, Aztecs, and maybe even the Mayans could have placed a curse every now and then. All the same, some Indigenous also have been known to set a curse or two on people, places, or objects. Is a curse what’s to blame for God’s Lake First Nation in Manitoba, Canada becoming the second point of the Pentagram of Blood?
From what I was able to find, it’s believed that the members of God’s Lake First Nation are the Swampy Cree. It is also important to point out that a good chunk of the information found on the lives of the Cree (Swampy or otherwise) can and should most likely be considered incomplete and sporadic throughout various documents. Over time there has been so much recorded history that has been lost, or maybe even destroyed, that most have no idea of their true background. So here is what I have found.
So many people of God’s Lake First Nation (formed in 1909 when the First Nation signed with the Government of Canada) have suffered at the hands of the Roman Catholic Church either directly or indirectly. What the church did to the children of the First Nation between the years 1908-1948 (when the school finally closed down) was unspeakable.
It has been a little over seventy years since the Cross Lake Residential School (1908-1948) closed down. What happened behind its closed doors left a gaping wound on many of God’s Lake Cree residents, including those who never had to attend the school.
The Roman Catholic School was under the jurisdiction of the Norway House Indian Agency. This left the parents with no choice but to send their children to school for about ten months out of the year. The children were loaded into planes as if they were nothing more than a load of cargo or herd of cattle. Upon arrival at Cross Lake, boys and girls (siblings or otherwise) were separated from one another, and not allowed to speak to each other. Once the doors closed the children’s waking nightmares began.
The Roman Catholic Church (RCC) forced Catholic conversion onto the children. Which meant that they were to forget everything their parents and elders had ever taught them. The church and its people believed that they were obeying God’s will by converting those they most likely saw as “savages”. All because the native Cree of God’s Lake chose to follow their own path of beliefs, and embrace everything about their heritage. The conversion wasn’t the only thing kids had to endure at the residential school.
Most (if not all) of the children were forced to endure some type of abuse that consisted of: mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, and even sexual. Telling their parents was a waste of time because they didn’t believe or maybe wouldn’t believe that such things were taking place at the RCC school. Why would they believe their children? Priests and Nuns are supposed to be holy people, and religious people wouldn’t do such things. But they did. Both the priests and the nuns. No adult provided pure safety for the children while they were at the Cross Lake Residential School.
So, what doors or portals did this church unknowingly open beside one of permanent darkness that hangs over generations? There are many malevolent entities that thrive on the pain of others. What if demons or other sinister forces could sense the negative intentions coming from the church, government officials, and other persons involved? So, it wouldn’t be surprising if demons or other evil spirits helped make the children’s pain at the school worse. Demons and dark spirits are known to mimic everything such as people’s voices and being able to appear as children. What if the very demons feeding off the pain and fear of the children pretended to be God himself? A simple whisper in a priest’s ear claiming to be the voice of God would be all it took to create a snowball effect.
What if the mental and emotional struggle of the children of the Norway House, and generations to follow, wasn’t the sole cause of their deep-rooted pain? What if the door that was opened by the church wasn’t the only door to be opened? Keep in mind that when Cross Lake/Norway House first came into existence in 1908 was over one hundred years ago. It is possible that there are other supernatural reasons for a continued dark history in God’s Lake.
Unlike the Pyramid of the Sun, there were never any known or
documented blood sacrifices. Like the Aztecs, however, the Cree contained people that could also perform various sorts of rituals. These sort of people were known as Shamans. Within the belief of Shamanism the roles of healer, religious leader, counselor, and councillor are combined with some other extraordinary capabilities.
Additionally, Shamans retain the ability to not only heal the sick, but are also skilled enough to communicate with the otherworld and guide the dead to the otherworld. It is believed that Shamans hold a great deal of authority, mainly due to there being a fear that the Shamans could (and maybe even would) use their powers for evil purposes. So what if there was a past Shaman that did use their powers, but not for evil. What if they used their powers to call upon an angry spirit, or better yet, use their powers on themselves (if possible)?
The possibility of an angry Native American/Indigenous spirit is not completely unheard of. Over one hundred years ago, a Shaman could have tried to place a curse upon the Roman Catholics for coming onto their land and forcing their children to become Catholic. Since there were few instances of the Shaman using their powers for sorcery, could that curse have backfired? Thus affecting the children that attended the school because they were forced to forget everything their previous religion, families, and clan members have taught them? It’s probable the curse doesn’t see them as true First Nation/Cree natives anymore, even though they were born and raised on that land.
Did their essence, or life force, not soak itself into the land enough to be recognized as an equal among the natives of God’s Lake First Nation Reserve? Or did it become tainted from being forced to take part in the Roman Catholic Church against their parent’s wishes? There might even be an angry spirit of a tribe member who took their anger to the grave for how the church interfered with their lives. They could have viewed the parents that “allowed” their children to be taken, and converted into the ways of the white man, as a threat to the future of their people. They may have sworn on their deathbed that they would bring nothing but harm and tragedy to those who attended the church and their descendants. Therefore possbily rendering the Shaman unable to deliver their spirit to the otherworld.
History, stories, and traditions are very important things to the Indians/Indigenous. One cannot expect to mess around with their history and/or traditions without stirring up some really negative outcomes. Just because it wasn’t carved into stone, or written down in a textbook, doesn’t mean that it didn’t happen.
Shaman- A person who acts as an intermediary between the natural and supernatural worlds, using magic to cure illness, fortell the future, control spiritual forces, etc.
Shaman- A person believed to achieve various powers through trance or ecstatic religious experiences.
Shamanism- 1.) The animistic religion of northern Asia, embracing a belief in powerful spirits that can be influenced only by shamans. 2.) Any similar religion.
North America has a vast history of success, war, tragedy, and survival instinct. The continent is thousands of years old and has seen everything from the Ice Age to cars that drive themselves, and everything in between. Every single event that occurs imprints itself on the land. How deep do the effects of North America’s history and its creation go? How dark do the documented and undocumented histories and stories become?
When I say undocumented, I’m not talking about the lies we were told in grade school or facts that didn’t make it into our textbooks. I’m talking about the type of history that separates the believers and skeptics; the tales of paranormal and supernatural activities. There has always been a constant balance of light and dark, good and evil. What fuels the darkness embedded in the North American continent? Ask yourself these questions: have you ever heard of the Pentagram of Blood? What specifically makes the points filled with so much supernatural and historical darkness?
The Pentagram of Blood (PoB), is a symbol that is made up of ley lines that pass through some areas that have experienced dark history, constant tragedies, and a high loss of life. This is a symbol that you’ve either heard people talking about, heard mentioned on a television show, or maybe you’ve never even heard of. I’ve heard of the PoB years ago in brief passing back in maybe middle school or possibly even early high school. It was something that I thought sounded really interesting, and even though I wanted to learn more about it, I just never got around to it for reasons unknown to me. I heard it again within the past couple years on a favorite television program of mine, and I knew it sounded familiar. After thinking about it for quite some months, and having the urge to know more, I finally decided to begin researching it.
I wondered why more people hadn’t looked deeper into this dark, even Satanic, supernatural symbol. I soon understood the reason as I dug deeper into what could possibly make this thing tick. Basically, everything and anything that was found on the PoB came from who I personally see as a self-proclaimed Fake Prophet (F.P.), a wannabe modern-day Nostradamus, and a man who has actually called himself God (with court documented proof). It’s quite possible the reason behind his so-called “discovery” of the PoB was fueled by a manic high in combination with illegal drugs. Or he could be just a plain and simple psycho.
F.P. has a deep belief that the PoB controls mass death within the North American continent which I do not think is the case at all. The Pentagram of Blood is ancient and powerful, but not nearly powerful enough to control mass deaths and tragedies. Plus, not every event with a high death toll and/or catastrophe is located along those lines. Some of those being every battlefield of the Civil War and Revolutionary War, the Spanish Flu, the HIV/AIDs epidemic, Pearl Harbor, and the sinking of the Titanic among so many other events. Fake Profit reminds me of the crazy guy that stands outside yelling “The end is near/nigh!”
Another belief F.P. has is that not only is the PoB very ancient, but black magic is what gives the PoB its power. Black magic is only a small part of its makeup with darker levels of Satanism (yes, there are different and darker levels of the practice of Satanism – to be talked about more in another future post), satanic rituals, black mass, and human sacrifices upping the ante. Various doors and gateways could have been opened for demons and other negative entities to come through, and were never closed. Thus, allowing them to travel among the growing and constant intertwining ley lines. All the blood and souls of the people lost to dark rituals, sacrifices, different tragedies, and sudden or unnatural deaths could be what fuels the PoB.
So, what about the points that are supposed to give the pentagram its star shape? According to Fake Prophet, the five points that make up the PoB are as follows:
Point Four: Pyramid of the Sun in San Juan, Teotihuacan, Mexico
Point Five: Los Angeles, California
In my opinion, these points are in the wrong order, and the reason behind them proves that he took everything at face value. Since the PoB is supposed to be a very dark and satanic symbol; the star should naturally be upside down to symbolize the Goatman and the pure darkness attached to it. The points should and will be as follows in this and upcoming PoB posts:
Point One: Pyramid of the Sun
Point Two: God’s Lake
Point Three: Miami
Point Four: Los Angeles
Point Five: St. Johns
I will be going through each of these points over multiple posts, discussing some of their darkest tragedies. With this, I hope to debunk a lot of the word vomit that F.P. has spewed about these places over the years because so much of what he has said thus far makes very little to no sense at all. So let’s jump right in, shall we?
When talking about something as old as the Pentagram of Blood it is best to go as far back as possible within North American, Canadian, and Mexican histories. For the very first point of the pentagram, we travel back to 100CE-200CE of the first century (CE – Common Era). The years in which it is believed that the Pyramid of the Sun was constructed.
The Pyramid of the Sun is located in San Juan, Teotihuacan, State of Mexico, Mexico. It was built by the Teotihuacan people, who predated the Mayans by 500 years and the Aztecs by 1000 years. While it’s believed that the pyramid was built for one or more deities/gods, its original purpose remains unknown. It is believed that at one point in time an altar sat at the very top of the pyramid. Yet due to the amount of looting, there is a shortage of artifacts to back up such historical knowledge. Another fact that remains unclear to historians, is what happened to the Teotihuacan people and what caused their downfall. Whether it was due to disease, war, famine, or some other reason no one knows. The city of Teotihuacan was eventually abandoned approximately around 450CE for unexplainable reasons.
Around 1400CE the abandoned city of Teotihuacan was discovered by the Aztecs. They believed that Teotihuacan was the birthplace of the gods because Teotihuacan means ‘City of the Gods’. The Aztecs also gave the Pyramid of the Sun, and the surrounding pyramids around it, their names.
There was a myth that was told by a priest. It spoke of how everything once laid in complete darkness. Until one day, the bravest of deities made the supreme sacrifice by throwing themselves into the pre-dawn fire that would eventually become the sun. The deity was said to have stated: “Let us die so that the sun may be revived.” It was through the telling of this myth that the practice of human sacrifice began with the Teotihuacan people, and was then somehow passed down on to the Aztecs.
While an actual number of people sacrificed doesn’t exist as of yet (and may not ever be known), I did manage to find evidence that proves the Aztecs did perform human sacrifices among other rituals. They were not very particular as to who was sacrificed. Children, for example, were sacrificed to the Aztec Rain God because they believed the child’s tears would bring rain for a fertile crop. The remains of two adults and two children were found near the corners of the pyramid by archeologists.
In 2008-2010 a number of ritual offerings were discovered buried roughly in the center of the pyramid by anthropologist Nawa Sugiyama. Among the offerings was a greenstone mask, and the skulls of wolves and pumas: a favored animal of the Aztecs because its pelt is the same color as the sun. An eagle with a pyrite disc attached to its back was also found and was believed to have been mummified then buried alive. The eagle with the pyrite disc is also a symbol found within Aztec iconography, except it is depicted as carrying the world on its back.
More ritual offerings were discovered by archeologists in 2011. There was a cache underneath the pyramid that contained pieces of obsidian, animal bones, a greenstone mask, and three greenstone human figures. Rituals and the sacrifice of humans and animals also took
Aerial view of the pyramids at Teotihuacan. 1128967958-huge.jpg
place at the Pyramid of the Moon, located not too far from the Pyramid of the Sun. It was used as a burial ground for the victims and held various ceremonies.
So, what does the Pyramid of the Sun have to do with the Pentagram of Blood? In the early 1970s, a vast system of tunnels, tunnel chambers, and caves was discovered throughout the city by archeologists. While it’s unclear what the tunnels were used for, as it has been speculated that they were used during human sacrifices and other rituals. It’s possible (in my opinion) that they could have been used during enemy invasions, or for food storage since it would be cooler underground. The pyramids were built on top of these tunnels, and it was believed that these tunnels lead into the underworld.
There’s a possibility that ley lines are branching out from the Pyramid of the Sun, Pyramid of the Moon, and the Avenue of the Dead. The sacrificed souls could be drawn towards these lines by a supernatural pull. I believe that the blood and souls fuel the lines, along with the fear that was felt as they went through the ceremonies. What other doors and portals did the rituals open up? What sort of entities made their way through those openings while the Aztecs and Teotihuacan’s were trying to please their deities/gods? The death of an animal or any living being as an offering leaves behind a darker sort of seal, maybe even more of a permanent seal. Which in turn makes it harder to eliminate a dark entity when a life has been taken.
Stay tuned for the second point of the Pentagram of Blood: God’s Lake, Manitoba, Canada: February 10, 2022
Black Magic- 1.) Magic used for evil purposes; witchcraft, sorcery. 2.) Magic involving the supposed invocation of evil spirits for evil purposes. 3.) Magic that is associated with the devil or with evil spirits.
Demon- An evil spirit or devil, especially one thought to possess a person or act as a tormentor in hell.
Evil Spirit- A spirit tending to cause harm.
Ley Lines- Lines that crisscross around the globe, like latitude and longitude lines, that are dotted with monuments, natural landforms, and carry with them supernatural energy.
Luciferian/Luciferius: (A) 1. of or pertaining to Lucifer, having the pride of Lucifer; satanic, devilish. 2. Of or pertaining to the Luciferians or their leader. (N) 1. One of the followers of Lucifer, Bishop of Cagliari, in the fourth century, separated from the Orthodox churches because they would not go as far as he did in opposing the Arians.
Satanism- 1.) the worship of Satan, typically involving a travesty of Christian symbols and practices, such as placing the cross upside down. 2a.) Innate wickedness 2b.) Obsession with or affinity for evil.